Our CEO, Eyal Victor Mamou, has been interviewed to PET Worldwide Magazine about the Korean Pet industry and also gave few recommendations for foreign brands who wish to enter the Korean pet market.
The interview was conducted following the publication of our Korea Pet Industry Review and its purpose was to learn about the current pet market, the impact of the corona virus, the growth potential of the market and the entry opportunities of foreign companies into the Korean market.
The interview was published in the 04/2020 issue of the magazine as part of Korea country report of the Korean pet market.
PET Worldwide magazine (https://www.petworldwide.net/) is one of the best-known magazines in the pet industry, especially in the European market, as it is based in Germany.
KOISRA helps foreign companies to develop distribution and sales channels in the Korean pet market, but also to identify Korean local suppliers and manufacturers.

The magazine is only available for paid subscribers and can be found here: