Our Founder and CEO, Eyal Victor Mamou, recently had the honor of being featured as a guest on the esteemed Korea Startup Podcast. This influential platform serves as a gathering ground for entrepreneurs, offering a wealth of knowledge and valuable insights into navigating the dynamic Korean business landscape.

In this enlightening episode, Eyal draws upon his extensive experience in assisting numerous companies in establishing prosperous businesses in Korea, shedding light on the keys to success and common mistakes made by startups and global companies.

Throughout the podcast, Eyal covers a range of essential topics that are vital for anyone looking to enter the Korean market successfully. He shares valuable advice on key first steps for a triumphant market entry, sourcing local partners, overcoming challenges encountered by global companies, and establishing robust relationships with Korean counterparts. Additionally, Eyal provides practical guidance on steering clear of common traps when engaging with Korean business partners, emphasizing the significance of understanding and respecting the cultural differences between global and Korean companies.

Furthermore, Eyal unveils four hidden industries in Korea that hold immense potential for international companies seeking new opportunities within the Korean market. These insights are sure to captivate entrepreneurs and decision-makers, inspiring them to explore untapped sectors ripe for growth.


To gain access to Eyal Victor Mamou's remarkable episode on the Korea Startup Podcast and unlock valuable insights into the Korean market, we invite you to tune in through the following platforms:

>> Google podcast:
>> Apple podcast: https://apple.co/3JfSair

We encourage you to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to hear from Eyal Mamou firsthand and glean insights that can shape your business strategies for success in the Korean market.