KOISRA secured a tender by Enterprise Lithuania (Versli Lietuva), now known as Innovation Agency Lithuania, to provide marketing, promotion, and consulting services for E-commerce development of Lithuanian companies in South Korea. This initiative aimed to support Lithuanian companies in entering the South Korean market through online platforms, enhancing their visibility and sales. Additionally, it aimed to bolster the Lithuanian Country Brand's position in the Korean market as part of the multinational Lithuania Co-Create project.

The primary goal was to enable Lithuanian small- and medium-sized businesses to establish an online presence in the South Korean E-commerce market, effectively selling their products directly to consumers. Furthermore, the project aimed to increase awareness of Lithuanian culture and products within South Korea.

The challenges included the competitive nature of the South Korean E-commerce landscape, dominated by established brands. Lithuania as a country is relatively unknown among Koreans, leading to low product awareness. Additionally, navigating the logistics of setting up online stores on platforms like Coupang, adhering to local compliance for overseas products facing strict Korean import regulations, and managing digital marketing posed significant hurdles.


  • Company Selection: Rigorous selection process to identify eligible Lithuanian companies and brands for participation.
  • Market Study: Comprehensive analysis of each brand and product to determine the right positioning, pricing, and marketing strategy.
  • Consulting Services: Extensive guidance on setting up Seller Accounts on platforms like Coupang, covering logistics, product compliance, labeling, import regulations, and platform administration.
  • Financial Guidance: Providing expert advice on accounting, tax consulting for sales in Korea, and cross-border transactions.
  • Localization Services: Facilitating Korean translation and localization of Lithuanian companies' products and brand stories.
  • Logistics and Fulfillment: Supporting local storage in Korea for Lithuanian brands and assisting in packaging, last-mile shipment, including customer service and return service.
  • Digital Presence Development: Assisting in setting up and designing social media accounts and blogs tailored to the Lithuanian Co-Create project, promoting Lithuania and brands to the South Korean audience.
  • Marketing Initiatives: Planning and executing targeted organic and paid marketing campaigns, engaging local social media influencers specific to each brand for effective market penetration.
  • Customized Consulting: Tailored individual sessions to help companies craft effective marketing plans.
  • Publicity Management: Administering and promoting social media accounts and blogs to enhance visibility and engagement.


The project facilitated the seamless integration of Lithuanian companies into the fiercely competitive South Korean E-commerce sector. Over the designated period, around ten Lithuanian brands were meticulously selected to make a dynamic entrance into the Korean market, establishing direct stores and a notable online presence in South Korea. This initiative not only provided a direct channel for these brands to reach Korean consumers but also significantly enhanced their visibility and accessibility.

Furthermore, KOISRA's proactive strategies for digital outreach and social media engagement bolstered the success of the Lithuania Co-Create brand project in Korea. Through active management of local blogs and social media accounts, a compelling narrative about Lithuanian culture and the uniqueness of its products was presented to South Korean consumers. This strategic approach not only boosted brand recognition but also fostered a deeper appreciation for Lithuanian offerings within the Korean market.

By adhering to rigorous compliance standards, facilitating logistics and fulfillment, and providing extensive support in navigating the intricacies of the Korean E-commerce landscape, KOISRA effectively accelerated the market entry process for Lithuanian brands. The project not only unlocked new avenues for direct sales but also showcased the diverse and innovative Lithuanian offerings, contributing to the elevation of the Lithuanian Country Brand within the South Korean market.

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