KOISRA was commissioned by a US-based beauty and cosmetic retail company specializing in artificial nails and nail enhancement products to identify and validate South Korean cosmetics manufacturers involved in artificial nails for OEM production. The US client aimed to develop new product lines in Korea through selected manufacturers.

The primary goal was to locate a South Korean artificial nails manufacturer proficient in local production and open to OEM manufacturing per the client's specifications. Additionally, the chosen manufacturer needed to manage product exports beyond Korea.

Despite the thriving global presence of Korea's cosmetics and beauty industry, navigating collaborations with local Korean factories presented significant challenges. The landscape comprised a majority of local Korean brands functioning not as direct manufacturers but as entities requiring intermediary factory searches. This intricate quest for the most suitable factory demanded thorough research and vetting to pinpoint the precise manufacturing facilities aligning with the client's needs and standards.

Moreover, upon successfully identifying credible original manufacturers, a prevalent setback emerged in the form of limited production capacities. Regrettably, many of these esteemed manufacturers declined new overseas orders due to their constrained production capabilities. This scenario not only showcased the high demand and limited supply in the industry but also underscored the intricacies of securing production partnerships in Korea's thriving beauty sector.

The initial stages involved gathering the client's specific product details, production requirements, and samples of comparable products. A comprehensive market study was undertaken to deeply explore the landscape of Korean artificial nail manufacturers. This thorough investigation led to the compilation of a detailed list of Korean artificial nail manufacturers, pinpointing those responsible for prominent local and global brands within the industry.

Validating their capabilities and status necessitated direct communication to sift through and eliminate unsuitable candidates. This involved a stringent assessment process ensuring alignment with the client's needs. Following this validation, formal engagements were initiated with selected manufacturers. These engagements aimed to introduce the client, articulate their requirements, and solicit quotations, fostering an environment conducive to collaborative discussions and informed decision-making.


The culmination of our efforts was marked by the reception of multiple price quotations from various Korean manufacturers, setting the stage for official client introductions. The client deliberated and evaluated the received quotations, ultimately choosing to proceed with a select few manufacturers. After a rigorous assessment process, the decision was made to place an order with a chosen manufacturer deemed the most aligned with the client's requisites.

In addition to facilitating this crucial stage, we extended our support to the client by providing a Long List of Verified Manufacturers specializing in artificial nails and nail enhancement products. This list detailed validated information about manufacturers, serving as a valuable resource for the client's future reference. It encompassed detailed contact information of these vetted manufacturers, ensuring seamless accessibility for prospective collaborations and endeavors.

KOISRA remains committed to supporting the client in navigating communication challenges and exploring new suppliers or manufacturers when needed.

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