KOISRA has received "Main Biz" certification for Business Management and Innovation from the Korean Ministry of SMEs and Startups (MSS), formerly known as the Small and Medium Business Administration (SMBA).
The Ministry of SMEs and Startups (MSS) is a government organization tasked with strengthening the competitiveness and supporting the innovation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Micro Enterprises (MEs). Established in 2017, it succeeds the former Small and Medium Business Administration (SMBA).
MSS operates 9 affiliated institutions to perform specific functions: Korea Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundations (KOREG), Small and Medium Business Corporation (SBC), Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency (TIPA), Small Business Distribution Center (SBDC), Small Enterprises and Marketing Services (SEMAS), Korea Institute of Start-up and Entrepreneurship Development (KISED), Korea Venture Investment Corporation (KVIC), Korea Small Business Institute (KOSBI), and Korea Technology Finance Corporation (KIBO). Together, MSS and these institutions form a functional network to implement MSS's policies.
This certification enables KOISRA to be recognized by Korean governmental bodies as a qualified company for various projects and programs, thereby also qualifying it to support Korean startups and SMEs in the global market.